In my experience with seeking paid employment, I have discovered by accident something that my parents drilled into my head from the time I can remember - your reputation is important to uphold and you are the one who has control over it. What I have quickly learned in this process is that your reputation provides the power to open doors and meet with influencers who genuinely want to work with you to help find you a job that is a great fit.
For me, this period of transition has been a blessing. It has provided me the time to connect with my network to share ideas and listen for advice. Because I have built a solid reputation in my past I now have at this critical stage many, many people who want to help, who are rooting for me, cheering me on, directing me and building my confidence. It is truly remarkable and quite a humbling experience.
As you continue on your life's journey, take time to honestly evaluate what you have done to build your brand, to establish your reputation. If your reputation is less than stellar, than start making changes now. Don't wait until you are most in need of people to support you. That's too late in the game and will make the job of looking for employment very tedious and painful.
Fortunately for me, I am actually really enjoying this period of time. I am connecting and reconnecting with so many people in my life who are genuinely interested in seeing me succeed. If I could figure out how to make a living by being in transition it would be a great gig!